1、一个人变强大的最好方式,就是拥有一个想要保护的人。 A person become powerful best way, is to have a want to protect people.

2、一个人可以年华老去,但不能言而无味。 A man can grow old, but cannot speak and tasteless.

3、一个成功者只知抱定理想,向前行进。 A winner only on pursuing ideal, marching forward.

4、不听指点,多绕弯弯。不懂装懂,永世饭桶。 Don't listen to your advice, much around each bend. He who knows nothing but pretends to know, a good-for-nothing.

5、不怕别的,有勇气就不放弃! Afraid of nothing, have the courage to not give up!

6、不是每一次努力都能成功,但是,每一次成功都必须努力。 Not every effort will be successful, but every success you must work hard.

7、不要老在别人面前倾诉你的困境袒露你的脆弱。 Don't always pour out your difficulties in front of other people share your fragile.

8、世上最累人的事,莫过于虚伪的过日子。 In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.

9、世界快末日了,有件事情我一直瞒着你,其实我是奥特曼。 The end of the world quickly, there are things I have been cheating on you, actually I'm ultraman.

10、人不能样样顺利,但可以事事努力。 People can't everything smooth, but can try to everything.

11、人生伟业的建行,不在能知,而在能行。 Great achievement of the construction bank, can not know, but in can do it.

12、人生只有一次,它提醒我要珍惜这易逝的时光。 Life is only once, it reminds me to cherish the time is fleeting.

13、人生只有创造才能前进;只有适应才能生存。 Life can only forward create; Only adapt to survive.

14、人生如溪流,一路历尽坎坷崎岖的重重的惊险,最终汇入平静的湖泊。 Life is like a stream, all the way through the rocky heavy hairy, eventually into a calm lake.上一页12下一页

15、人生并非游戏,因此我们没有权利随意放弃它。 Life is not a game, so we have no right to give it up at will.

16、人的志向,应在千里之外。 Should the aspirations of people, thousands of miles away.

17、人的才华就如海绵的水,没有外力的挤压,它是绝对流不出来的。 Talent as sponge in the water, there is no external force of extrusion, it is an absolute flow not to come out.

18、人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。 All human efforts to achieve happiness.

19、人若软弱就是自己最大的敌人;人若勇敢就是自己最好的朋友。 We are your own worst enemy if we are weak; If a man be brave is her best friend.

20、人,记事不能记仇,记事可以增长知识;记仇可以增加烦恼。 People, accounts cannot bear grudges, for can increase knowledge; Illusive, can increase the trouble.

21、任何道路都是靠自己走出来的,而不是靠自己在梦中等来的。 Any road is walked out on their own, rather than on their own in the medium to the dream.

22、做事不能知难而退,要积极向前。 Do not retreat, to a positive forward.

23、做学问要花工夫,持之以恒,日积月累。 Learning takes time, perserve, accumulate over a long period.

24、冲刺拼搏,在前进中寻找乐趣。 The sprint, have fun in advance.

25、初恋是初开的花朵,浓郁芬芳。使人终身回味初恋的甜蜜和**。 First love is open flowers, rich fragrance. Make the person aftertaste the sweetness of love and passion for life.

26、劳动使人建立起对自己的理智力量的信心。 Labor makes people to establish confidence in his intellectual power.

27、只有这样的人才配生活和*,假如他每天为之奋斗。 Only such people with life and liberty, if he fight for every day.

28、只要朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。 As long as the sun, will not see the shadow.

29、可以失败,不可以失志;可以失望,不可以绝望。 Can fail, can not "; Can be disappointed, can't despair.

30、命运就像掌纹,虽然曲曲折折,却始终掌握在自己的手中。 Fate as palmprint, although twists, but always in his own hands.

31、在任何时代,人类最大的敌人都是自己。 At any time, the human biggest enemy is yourself.

32、在求职场上,抓住机遇,扬长避短,是有前途的。 On the job field, seize opportunities, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, it is promising.

33、大胆勇敢是取得提高所付出的代价。 To improve the price is bold and brave.

34、天下无难事,唯坚忍二字,为成功之要诀。 The world is difficult, only perseverance, is the key to success.

35、好好扮演自己的角色,做自己该做的事。 Play well your role, do what you should do.

36、如果你改变不了现实, If you can't change the reality, you have to learn to change yourself.

37、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命就永远只能是死水一潭。 If the fear of ups and downs in front of the rock, life will never can be a backwater.

38、学会推拖事情,人善被人欺,马善被人骑。 Learn to evading things, good man deceives, don't complain if were to ride.

39、学历代表过去,财力代表现在,学习力代表将来。 Degree represent the past, financial representative now, learning force on behalf of the future.

40、害怕攀登**的人,永远在山下徘徊。 Those who are afraid of climbing the peak, forever wandering down the hill.

41、对未来的最好策划,是善于处理目前,完成最近的的工作任务。 The best plan for the future, is good at dealing with the current, the latest work task.

42、当你伸出两个指头谴责别人时,佘下的三个指头恰恰是指着自已的。 When you stretch out two fingers to condemn others, under the measure of three finger is pointing to his own.

43、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍快乐。 Will know how to share happiness, to double happiness.

44、成功呈概率分布,关键是你能不能坚持到成功开始呈现的那一刻。 Success probability distribution, the key is you can stick to a successful start to present at that moment.

45、成长吧,过去没了,不成长,未来没了。 Growth, the past is gone, don't grow, and in the future.

46、我以为我很颓废,今天我才知道,原来我早报废了。 I thought I was decadent, today I just know, originally I had scrapped.

47、我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。 We are the world, never give a sad laggard awarded MEDALS.

48、我们追逐的绝不是别人的起点,而是每一个未知的明天。 Our pursuit is not the starting point of the others, but each of the unknown tomorrow.

49、我是你的风筝,线在你手上,可陪伴我的只有风。 I am your kite, line in your hand, can accompany me only wind.

50、把一切平凡的事做好就不平凡;把一切简单的事做好就不简单。 Do allthe ordinary things well is not ordinary; Do all the simple things well is not simple.

51、把握住这天,胜过两个明天。 Seize the day, is worth two tomorrow.

52、推动你的事业,不要让你的事业来推动你。 Drive your business, don't let you to advance your career.

53、摆脱浅薄和低俗的最好办法就是读书。 The best way to get rid of the superficial and vulgar is reading a book.

54、改变不了环境但可以改变自己;改变不了事实,但可以改变态度。 Don't change the environment but can change yourself; Don't change the fact, but can change the attitude.

55、时间是宝贵的,抓住了时间就抓住了成功。 Time is precious, grasp the time.

56、最伟大的力量,就是同心合力。 The greatest power is the collaboration.

57、最美的不是成功的那一刻,而是事后回想奋斗过程中的艰辛! The most beautiful is not the moment of success, but in hindsight, struggle in the process of hard!

58、有没有那么一个人,让你曾经发了疯的想,现在却拼了命的忘。 Have so a person, let you have mad want to, but now I spelled a life to forget.

59、松软的沙滩上最容易留下脚印,但也最容易被潮水抹去。 Soft sand are most likely to leave footprints, but also the most easy to erase the tide.

60、汗水浇灌希望,奋斗决定命运。 Sweat hope, the fight destiny.

61、没有一种不通过蔑视忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 Not a kind not through the contempt of suffering and struggle to conquer fate.

62、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。 No spark of a pearl, is to rely on others to apply.

63、没有糟糕的事情,只有糟糕的心情。 There is no bad thing, only a bad mood.

64、泪水不代表谁的失败,微笑不意味着谁的成功。 Whose failure, tears do not represent who smile does not mean success.

65、生命是一张弓,那弓弦是梦想。 Life is a bow, the bowstring is a dream.

66、用**点燃高考,用拼搏换取成功。 With passion to ignite the university entrance exam to strive for success.

67、积累久了,可能的导致爆发;而爆发久了,都可能导致崩溃。 Accumulated for a long time, may cause outbreaks; Out for a long time, could lead to a collapse.

68、突破心理障碍,才能超越自己。 Can break through psychological barriers, beyond ourselves.

69、等你们六十岁的时候,你们就会珍惜由你们支配的每一个钟头了。 When your 60 years old, you will treasure every hour that dominated by you.

70、能够坚持到最后一刻的人,就是有本钱成功的人。 To hold out until the last minute, capital is a successful man.

71、英雄就是对任何事都有全力以赴,自始至终,心无旁骛的人。 The hero is with anything, from beginning to end, no distractions.

72、莫为失败找借口,多为成功找理由。 Mo excuses for failure, how to find reason for success.

73、要快乐,要开朗,要坚韧,要温暖,对人要真诚。 To be happy, to a bright and cheerful disposition, to tough, to warm, sincere to people.

74、要有信念战胜难题,经常居心学习和经营,恒心坚定不移地努力。 Have faith to overcome problems often are learning and management, perseverance will unswervingly efforts.

75、要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 To write it on your heart that every day is the happiest day in a year.

76、谦虚是学习的朋友,自满是学习的敌人。 Modesty is the friend of learning, complacency is the enemy of study.

77、轮轴发涩的人生,就应该用奋斗来磨砺。 Axle hair acerbity life, should strive to hone.

78、迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。 In delay, and 20 plenty, then come kiss me, CuiCao withered Yang, youth's a stuff that will not endure.

79、面对人生的磨难,请用你的毅力创造生命的奇迹吧! In the face of the hardships of life, please use your willpower to create the miracle of life!

80、骄傲可以给你一时的快意,却会把你推进失败的深渊。 Pride can give you a moment of joy, but will push you into the abyss of failure.
